Saturday, July 28, 2007

Take a stand.

This is a strange post for me to be making since I sometimes avoid taking stands, but I'm doing it anyway. Feel free to call me a hypocrite.

I really get annoyed when I read articles that ramble on and on and never actually try to do anything. Every respectable publication I have read has articles that are written with a purpose in mind. There is a point to the piece, and depending on the skill of the writer, they will either make their point, or not. Ultimately, they are trying to do something, maybe tell a joke or a story, if it was one of those light hearted columns.

But I do come across articles that are a collection of facts, and nothing more. It really pissed me off because I feel cheated at the end of the article. I end up scratching my head and asking myself why I read the damned thing in the first place. I dunno why the authors do that. Are they inherently ignorant about the pointlessness of the article or are they intentionally trying to agitate people? Or are they just trying to show that they are aware of the issues, just like every one else out there. Or it could be that they have an opinion, but just to fucking pussy to state what it is. If you are so bloody scared, then keep your opinions to yourself or tell it to someone who won't cross-examine you. Don't put your readers through the the very painful experience of reading something that is designed to achieve nothing.


KahJoon said...

maybe sometimes when they take a stand..the censorship board comes into play..did u took taht into consideration..the malaysian law's seditious act and Internal security act are all mighty..u might nvr know when u gonna get nabbed

Siew said...

Taking a stand doesn't necessarily mean taking a controversial stand, and it doesn't mean that the issue must be political. It could be a social theory, maybe an opinion on what causes suicides.

Maybe if I use BM essay terms it will be easier. All karangan need isi. If there is no isi, then there is no point to writing the karangan in the first place. And the isi always set out to achieve something. Think punca, kesan and cara mengatasi for a karangan about some social problem. Ultimately, the writer is saying that there is a problem, and his analysis of the situation is such. He proposes change. What pisses me off is people who write about serious matters, but really have no opinion, and no suggestion. Or in some cases, some silly half-assed suggestion that is designed to make the writer look like he or she knows the issue when in fact the idiocy of the comment proves the exact opposite.

If you are scared of the government, then don't say anything at all. Shut up, and be a 'good' citizen.

KahJoon said...

do u that there is such a thing as informative essays? they serve to just inform..not suggest solutions..there is such a thing although i know its boring..