Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My blog, my performance.

As much as I believe that a blog is about individual identity and expression, I have to admit that I tailor my post to suit reader interests a bit. That is why I get annoyed at long winded and pointless posts that have no entertainment value. If you are going to rant about how much your life sucks, at least make it interesting. (No, I'm not aiming this in anyone in particular. Its a blanket piss on the whole blog sphere.)

Thats why I hardly ever write about my life in my blog. And even when I do, I put it in fiction, so if you are not in the mood to read a whine about the horrors of my world, then at least you have a story to amuse you.

And it also leads to my blog being updated relatively slowly. Because there is not much blog worth material out there. At least not obviously blog worthy. I could probably take the experience of eating banana leaf rice and write something readable, but that requires a fair bit of effort. I don't like writing that much.

There are lots of things that I want to write here, things that I'm thinking, and are somewhat important to me. The banshee in Starcraft 2. My loyalties to the clubs in the European football leagues. Magic the Gathering nationals. Debating. Friends.

But I don't. Unless it rocked my world to the point where I became speechless, anything that is interest based almost never finds its way to my blog. To an extent, my blog is like one of my debating speeches. First, I ask myself, does what I am saying actually matter. Does anyone care? If I read it, would I be amused, or annoyed to no end? Might I become pensive or will I roll my eyes?

It might not sound important, but it is. Balloons said at the debate camp, when you are making a speech, you are taking up people's time. Are you giving these people a reasonable return to the investment of time they just made when they visited your blog and read your writing?

Call me crazy, but I really do think that if you publish anything at all, it must be worth reading to a majority of your audience. You have a responsibility to ensure that. Following the speech time example I gave just now, how many times have you wished a slow and painful death upon a Malaysian politician who goes up the stage during an event and speaks for half an hour about absolutely nothing? Its the same with blogging.

For the love of God, don't litter the internet with sentences that you pulled out of your ass when you were bored. It actually hurts people to read it.


thedigitalplatypus said...

i was thinking the same. but hey.. although not worth reading, their blogs serve as photo albums too.

Siew said...

Photo blogs are photo blogs. Those, I kind of understand. I just wish they would read the stuff they write and make sure it isn't mental diarrhea before they post it.

Its an insult to the language and that especially annoys me. Thats probably it. I hate it when the English language is taken in vain.