Friday, December 14, 2007

Social responsibility.

I'm sometimes too generous with my opinions. I try to justify that by telling myself that I'm making a positive change, but I can't help but to wonder just how positive is positive. If I hadn't been such a nihilist in the past, I might have spread more gloom over the future. That would have been bad.

Having long talks with people has me asking if spreading the ideas that I have cultivated is really something that I should be doing at all. I mean, its instinctive, but I can at least try an put a cap to it.

Am I doing a service to society or am I spreading misguided half truths? I am fairly certain that I will find the ideas that I hold now to be quite childish and naive in the future, the same way I find the world view I had five years ago to be badly lacking proper perspective.

I know of people who think that I am better off not expressing anything at all. Those are the people who also have a tendency to try and sway others to their philosophies as well, so I'm not surprised at that kind of view. We sometimes hold diametrically opposed viewpoints.

But good thing or not, I do seem to have a lot of faith in my stands, however flawed they may be. With these kinds of posts, I might seem riddled with self doubt, but thats just the checks and balances that keep me somewhat rooted.

So I'll keep preaching.

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