Friday, July 28, 2006

UMNO Youth do not represent me.

Brilliant.. A bunch of youth from the youth division of the biggest political party in the country just camped ouside the ASEAN conference and waited in the rain to give a memorandum protesting the American support of Israel. Hell, I was pissed.

Not because of the fact that they did it. I have a problem with the Isreali response to the militant attacks. I think that the scale of the counter attack is completely uncalled for. But to barge across a security barrier to personally hand a whiney letter to the US secretary of state is not something I would have done.

Here is how I see it. Problem 1. Malaysia is a small developing country in South East Asia. America is the only superpower in the world. What kind of impact does the party intend to make by giving Rice that letter? The US does not need to listen to Malaysia, and it probably won't. Malaysia is a gnat. In the realm of international politics, Japan, India, China, the EU hold sway. We just don't. Us making a lot of noise is just going to make us look like a petulant child.

Problem 2. They do not represent Malaysians, but they say that they do. They are the youth wing of the United Malay National Organisation. Just because they think that the US is evil because it refuses to do anything about Israel, it doesn't mean that a majority of Malaysians do. In fact, a majority of Malaysians wouldn't know that Israel is at war with Lebanon. And the fact that they are from a Malay organisation makes it worse. Last I remember, this was a multi-racial country. Don't bring the other races into your vendetta against Israel.

Problem 3. It really is about Islam vs the West. They claim it isn't, but it is. Its so paifully obvious that I'm surprised they even tried that lie. Has our country spoken out so forcefully against anything else in the past? North Korea perhaps? Nope. Never. Even its reaction to Myanmar is milder than this. Suddenly, when the Muslims and the holy land are involved, they get all pissy. Like anyone is going to believe that they are protesting because of the suffering and the injustice. Gimme a break.

1 comment:

Siew said...

For a moment I thought that you were some random blog surfer. Heh.

Chronicles of Qiheng eh? Welcome to the world of self expression dude..