Sunday, March 02, 2008

Feminists, may I introduce you to your worst nightmare.

I wrote this post a long time ago, actually as a very immature response to emoness. But I guess the ghosts of the past have been mostly banished, I'll publish.

A bit strong, but then its just my opinion. And last I checked, a very unpopular one.

I seem to have built up quite a reputation of being a hater of all things related to Japanese culture. I've ranted about anime, the influx of Japanese music, and I've written an article about how the Japanese are just as guilty as the Americans when it comes to cultural imperialism. To be honest, most of my criticism of Japan in the past really did spawn from fear of the unknown. You know, the old saying 'What you don't understand, you fear'. I never did understand Japanese culture, probably because I hold much of oriental culture at contempt. But now, I'd rather just ignore that part of the world and let them do as they please. After all, they aren't doing any harm.

So, which part of Japanese culture is a danger to the feminist movement? One word. Kawaii. The most overused and popular of Japanese vocabulary exports. Anything positive is kawaii, much like how anything negative can be represented by fuck in the English language. The underlying causes behind the kawaii phenomenon is scary. Granted, the people who came up with these causes were just postulating. They are theories, which means they are not proven causes and are still very much open to debate. If I had a better understanding of the human mind, I would be able to come up with credible opinions of my own, but for now, I borrow from the pros.

There are links between kawaii and social acceptance. And the lolita culture. And submissiveness. And general helplessness. Its almost like anyone who wants to be kawaii wants to be the damsel in distress. The helpless little girl who needs a man to take care of everything. It just so happens that there are lots of men who like girls who turn to them for everything. Gives them a sense of control, massages their ego.

So any girl that sticks two fingers into the air and squeals 'kawaii', and then later in the day bunches the same hand into a fist and screams 'girl power' is essentially being hypocritical. To me, you can't be both. Pick one, and stick with it. I'm not saying that one side is better than the other. Each has its merits, and depending on what gives you fulfillment in life, choose.

Feminine feminists can exist. Kawaii feminists are just confused people.

I may have mentioned anime in the start, but this post has nothing to do with that. For the love of God, don't misinterpret this post.


Unknown said...

>So any girl that sticks two fingers into the air and squeals 'kawaii'

I understand how it feels. I too, have an urge to RAAAAGE whenever I see a flaming weeaboo doing that kind of shit.

Unknown said...

by the way,
>I've ranted about anime, the influx of Japanese music...

Oh no you didn't. Nothing about animu or Eleven culture were mentioned in your archived blogposts.

Siew said...

Dude. This blog is not the only place that I express myself, and since its normally read by people who know me personally, I tend to keep that in mind when writing. I ranted about it in the University newsletter before, and I don't think people were very happy.

Oh, and I must ask. Do I know you?

Unknown said...

>I ranted about it in the University newsletter before
Aha, see, that's what you did wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of faggots backlashes at me for stating that I hate the way they act/their taste in music/their taste in anything, generally, if I stapled my details on the said article/newsletter.

Who am I? Who I am is of no importance, but rather, the ideas behind my posts. I am merely an Anonymous.