Friday, October 13, 2006


It was years ago when they first met,
He looked, and saw a mirror,
Though different in flesh and blood,
He saw himself in more ways than one.

The twisted smile, the unflinching gaze,
The stinging tongue ever ready,
No one was spared, not even the brother,
Both did not love, did not want to, did not need to.

As he delved, he grew closer,
He learned from this teacher, this one master,
Faith in the method was all that was asked,
In the glory that it would lead to, he would bask.

What dangers lay ahead, he couldn’t have known,
The differences between the two would soon be shown,
One had talent, the other didn’t,
One was real, the other wasn’t.

He shriveled in the light as dawn finally came,
The echoes of truth burned his soul,
The unwavering conviction quickly faltered,
Reality trumped faith as the barbed words withered.

The memories of the past now haunt his life,
The regret wakes him before the sun shines,
He pays now for what he did before,
The universe always settles the score.

So leave now and never come back,
He has no use for you anymore,
Time will cleanse, as it always does,
But the memory of what was will remain forever.

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