Saturday, September 16, 2006

Leave the rays alone!

People are killing stingrays to avenge Steve Irwin's death. At least thats what the authorities believe is happening. Yea, sure, you loved the guy. He was quite something, I have to admit. But for the love of God, don't go killing stingrays and chopping their tails off just because one of them killed Steve in self defense.

Its not their fault that Irwin's dead. Heck, even if you did find that one muderous ray, I couldn't blame it either. If you trailed it in court, I'm pretty sure it would walk away scot-free (largely because its fairly easy to prove that it was hard-wired to defend itself in the event of danger, but whatever, thats not the point). Accidents happen, sometimes there is nothing to blame. Don't take it out on the stingrays.

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