Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Letting nature run its course.

I never really believed in the concept of fate. If you want something to happen, you work towards it. Sometimes it turns out the way you want it to, sometimes it doesn't. I just find it a little hard to accept the fact that it is already pre-written somewhere how the rest of my, or someone else's life will turn out.

Which explains why I like to take the bull by its horns. Sure, if I leave the bull, there is always the possiblity that it will calm down all by itself. But if it doesn't? And if I didn't do anything about it? Wouldn't it be my fault that the fence got broken and the neighbour's vegetables got trampled? I'd have to bear full responsibility.

That is how life was. See problem, fix problem. A stitch in time saves nine, remember? Well, it really isn't that easy anymore. Subtlety is sometimes called for, and somehow, I think I have managed to subdue the impulse to jump in and do something. It isn't easy mind you, but somehow, it seems to me that some things just need to unwind by themselves. Moderation is required, naturally. I'm not about to completely let go and see what happens. If the bull strays too near the fence, then I might have to do something. But if it doesn't it might just make more sense for me and the bull to let nature run its course.

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