Thursday, September 21, 2006

Memoir 44

Its not the first time I've played the boardgame, but today is the first time I actually got a kind of high from it. I mean what kind of guy who even has a passing interest in WW2 will not relish simulating Ohama Beach? Medal of Honour provided that before. Now I get to live the glory as general.

The map was quite accurate, really. The axis were all holed up in their bunkers on cliffs. The allies were on the beach, storming the front. I thought I as going to lose as the Allies and change the course of history. Heh. I didn't. Managed to overrun General Adrain in the middle of the field and just meet my win condition. I'm not going to get into the technicalities of the game right now, but I can say that its brilliant. Apart from the fact that tanks can't just roll over infantry that is.

If any of you out there want a game, come to the DICE meetings. Its fairly easy to learn, and once you get it set up, its a fairly fast paced game. Doesn't last too long (not like Risk). And its really tactical. A lot of combat math. But your fate is still in the hands of the dice. Heh.

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